Governance structure

HEfDA is a membership organization and has three governing bodies
The general assembly (founders and the members according to the bylaws) is the supreme governing body of the organization.
The general assembly is responsible to develop bylaws,
approve selection of the external auditors,
approves the plan, reports and audit reports,
decide on the policy and strategy of the organization,
elect board members
The board is elected by the general assembly to oversee and guide the operation of the organization
To provide leadership in formulating policies, guidelines, regulations
2. To ensure that all projects and activities are in line with the vision, mission, and principles of HEfDA
3. To issue and regularly review the Strategic Plan, organizational systems manuals, policies,
guidelines, etc.
4. Function as “goodwill ambassadors” and spokespersons on behalf of the organization
Member of the board HEfDA are drawn from the communities, elders, and experts in development,
health, water, education, finance, law, finance, etc. Board members are expected to be deeply committed to the vision and the mission of the organization and seek to advance its growth and success. The Board will regularly meet every three months
The operation of the organization is guided by the management team. Members of management team are executive director, assistant executive director, cluster coordinators, coordinators of human resources and finance management teams
The major role of the management team is to advice and support the executive director to run the
organization according to the bylaws of HEfDA and government regulations and agreement with each donor.
The management team is responsible for planning and effective implementation of projects, manage the resources, report to donors and government offices

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